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“A spectacular genius...”

Chloë’s subtle voice work opens the heart. She is a spectacular genius of this teaching art. She is at the core of a fascinating phenomenon that is allowing individuals to find their truth and freedom through the creative process of voice and sound. 

Coleman Barks, Author of Rumi: Soul Fury

“A unique and empowering vocal technique”

Chloë has perfected a unique and empowering vocal technique accessible to everyone. In all my research with nonviolent and creative communication skills, I have never experienced this ability to effortlessly generate such a range and depth of human feeling and expression with such spontaneity, courage, and compassion. Chloë is dedicated to recovering the wisdom of the human spirit, in a way that is profound and unique for our times. 
Scilla Elworthy, PhD, Niwano Peace Prize winner, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and author of Pioneering the Possible

“Penetrates to the bone”

Chloë Goodchild’s clarity of tone — both in her music and in her books — penetrates to the bone. I revel in both her songs and words, especially when she surrenders to the mystery of devotion. 
Gangaji, spiritual teacher and author of Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story

“Chloë has a voice of mesmerizing purity”

Chloë has a voice of mesmerizing purity. She possesses one of the freest spirits I have ever seen on stage. 
Juliet Stevenson, Actor

“She sings wild!”

Chloë looks like a nun, but she sings wild! 
Angelo Badalamenti, Film composer

“She transformed my simple notes into something magnificent...”

Working with Chloë and her amazing voice was magical. She transformed my simple notes into something magnificent and wild and heartrendingly beautiful. No other singer has ever matched her performance for me. 
Elizabeth Parker, Composer

“... awakens the pure power of light in the realm of song and chant”

Chloë Goodchild awakens the pure power of light in the realm of song and chant. Her gentle vocal revelations invite the wisdom of beauty to unfold and awaken our hearts. I cherish her tender guidance in these deep and cheer-filled lessons of song and life. 
Don Campbell, Author of The Mozart Effect

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“... one of the most awakened, loving, and talented teachers”

Chloë Goodchild is one of the most awakened, loving, and talented teachers of the ways we human beings have to plumb the depths of the soul. She has an ability absolutely unique to her that allows her to create a sacred space of healing sound and silence. Chloë’s invitation to use your voice can produce the particular medicine needed for your individual soul.  
China Galland, Teacher, lecturer and author of Longing For Darkness

“Chloë, you are the voice of creation!” 
James O’Dea, Author of Cultivating Peace
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“Chloë is a living master of the sound and voice...” 
Chloë is a living master of the sound and voice of pure Consciousness. She guides us gently and joyfully into the sound of silence, from where we return home to the ream of pure being. She masterfully guides us to discover our ears of Consciousness and our authentic voice of wisdom. Chloë's delightful presence, incredible insight, and unique teaching are a rare treasure that continues to empower.
Anneloes Smitsman, PhD, futurist, evolutionary scientist, published author, global catalyst
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“... an exceptional guide into the realms of sound”

Chloë Goodchild is a superb teacher.  Her wisdom, knowledge, compassion, abilities and experience make her an exceptional guide into the realms of sound as a healing modality.
Jonathan Goldman, musician, teacher and author of Healing Sounds

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"...a brilliant composer, musician and magician"

Chloë Goodchild is a brilliant composer, musician and acoustic magician. With a profoundly embodied understanding of the sacred nature and healing power of universal sound - and the vital silences between its expression - her genius enables her to call from within us a re-membered experience of our deepest inner and authentically naked voice. Her vast experience and expertise of how universal wisdom teachings recognize and embody the harmonic nature of our Universe and its emergent impulse, serve to support and empower her being a treasured and loving guide on our journey of homecoming to the realised truth of who we really are – and the potential of who we can consciously evolve to become.

Dr Jude Currivan, cosmologist and author of The Cosmic Hologram

“... helped to catapult me over the edge”

Chloë’s course, ever encouraging, helped to catapult me over the edge. For that I’m grateful. Since then I have had numerous clients come for one-on-one sessions to experience vocal experimentation. 
Evelyn Ward de Roo, contemplative musician and music facilitator

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"Chloë is a source of deep inspiration"

I've known Chloë for many years and she is the genuine article, a gifted songstress, generous teacher, and highly original thinker. Chloë is a source of deep inspiration.

Mark Matousek, bestselling author, teacher, and speaker

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"Experiencing her work will help bring you fully alive!"

Singing philosopher Chloe Goodchild is a vibrant presence in the ways she shares her love of music and life in such a generative and inspiring fashion. Experiencing her work will help bring you fully alive!

David Lorimer, writer, lecturer & editor

© Chloë Goodchild 2024

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